

Ook beschikbaar in Nederlands

Valid since 24-01-2025

Regular users

€ 0,95 / 30 minutes

Capped at € 3,80 / 12h
Capped at € 4,75 / 24h

Each additional 24h: € 4,75
Each additional 24h after 72h: €9,50 / 24 h (includes € 4,75 penalty)

Returning at a different destination: Free

Frequent riders discounts
(available after your second ride)

 receive € 19 ->  pay € 18
receive € 38 -> pay € 34

Month Pass (30m)
€8,50 - one month

Unlimited 30-minute rides.

50% discount afterwards 

Month Pass (12h)
 €17 - one month

Unlimited 12-hour rides.

50% discount afterwards 

Additional fees apply if you don't return the bike to a Cykl destination and if you intentional cause damage to the bike. Moreover, repeated carelessness (for example forgetting to lock the bike) may result in getting banned from the system. Find out more about these rules here
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